Dear reader: How do you build a healthy relationship with your body?

Three women laughing with each other with the sunlight beaming on them

This Women’s Health Month, we’ll be highlighting the journeys of five amazingly courageous women and their paths to self-discovery, self-acceptance and self-care. We want to empower and recognize their bravery and hope that their stories inspire you to make decisions that help you feel your best.  The way we think about bodies can influence the way we care for ourselves. … Read More

Dear readers: What obstacles do you face when offering yourself better care?

Woman on kayak on lake

This Women’s Health Month, we’ll be highlighting the journeys of five amazingly courageous women and their paths to self-discovery, self-acceptance and self-care. We want to empower and recognize their bravery and hope that their stories inspire you to make decisions that help you feel your best.  Many of us might not find it easy or natural to take care of … Read More

Finding comfort in community

a group of people eating together at a table

There’s no denying that life is filled with a variety of experiences, whether they’re happy, exciting moments or a little more on the difficult side such as dealing with a sudden loss or facing grief. But throughout these moments, having a group of trusted people to lean on and share your struggles and joys with can make a huge difference … Read More

Navigating a loss of sex drive: There’s more to the picture

loss of sex drive

Maybe you can relate: when you’re stressed, tired, busy, or feeling down you’re likely not in the mood, right? Libido, or the desire to have sex, is closely tied to both your physical and mental state at any given time. Declining libido can be caused by many common life changes – getting busier, experiencing more stress than usual, feeling depressed … Read More

Your daylight savings survival guide

Person changing time on Apple Watch

It’s that time of year again – Daylight Saving Time (DST). Changing our clocks back or pushing them forward by an hour is a regular part of our seasonal routine. But have you ever thought of how this shift affects your body? While a one-hour change isn’t going to have a tremendous impact on your overall health, it can actually … Read More

Dear readers: Build a strong support system

Kim Esquerra Topa with her husband and dog

This Women’s Health Month, we’re empowering you to take charge of your health. Expanding on the pillars that shape CanPrev Women, we will be highlighting the health journeys of four amazingly courageous women. Women who felt that something was ‘off’ in their bodies, and took matters into their own hands in an effort to reclaim their health. We hope these … Read More