Putting yourself first

Self-care is a struggle for many women. Most of us need the occasional reminder to fill my own cup back up. When you’re lots of things to lots of people, it’s easy to lose track of yourself. What we have to remember, is that when we are the best version of ourselves, we can be and give the best to others.

Whether it’s time at the gym, time with your friends, reading that book you’ve meant to, getting to yoga class, making that therapy appointment or crossfit session - if it’s something that fills you back up, replenishes your resources, helps you take care of you, it’s important. 


Now maybe you're thinking:

"I know this is important, but now I have something else I have to do! Self-care is starting to sound a lot like more work."

We know you have a list of never-ending things to do, but we invite you now, like right now, to close your eyes and think of one thing that brings you joy, that makes you happy. Got it? Then start there.

If you’re struggling with identifying what makes you happy or brings you joy, that’s ok. Be gentle. Take some time to explore and think about it - that is self-care too.

As you work on identifying the things that bring you balance, schedule them into your busy week (with a pen) and stay committed to making that time about you. You can start with 5 minutes or 50 - devote it to refilling your cup, as best as you can in this phase of your life. Next week, do the same. We promise you won’t be the only one in your life who benefits.

Next StepBuilding Your Self Care Tribe

Ask Tanya.