Getting help without feeling helpless

Becoming an advocate for your health can be empowering. It’s not always an easy journey. It takes work, resources, and persistency and if you are not feeling well to begin with, then these steps often become that much harder. But, if you’ve committed to playing the most active role you can in achieving your best health - no matter what the result, that’s inspiring!

Throughout your journey there might be times when you just feel overwhelmed. These steps are designed to help you navigate your way through those difficult times.

Daily practice is key.

1. Reflect on your journey.

Ask yourself.

What have you learned so far?
What has self awareness awakened in you?

How can this better understanding actively benefit you?
What energizes you?
What are you grateful for?
What doesn't feel good for you?
What feels really good?

Take a moment to reflect on your answers. Take a moment to give yourself recognition for the
effort you’ve made.

Take a moment to appreciate the wisdom you’ve gained - and a moment to imagine how that wisdom can be applied to your every day life experiences.


2. Forgiveness & vulnerability.

Forgive yourself, your mind and body for imperfections - these are ‘perfectly’ natural. Keep in mind that every situation and experience is unique and not one health or life journey will be the same. Comparing your progress to someone else’s could leave you feeling frustrated. Most people might only be sharing their highlight reel, a natural and easy thing to do. After all, sharing our most intimate health struggles or challenges leaves us vulnerable.

But, vulnerability might be a path to learning more about ourselves and what we need in order to heal, grow and feel better. A temporary feeling of unknown for a future feeling of peace, joy or health? Vulnerability might also open up the door for conversations with others who have had or are experiencing similar obstacles. Leading to greater feelings of connectedness for both you and them.

3. Listen to your mind and body.

Remind yourself that nobody knows you better than you.

What is your mind saying, what is your body saying?
What is not working? What is working?

If you are still learning about yourself, then consider this an exercise in part of your journey. Now is a great time to discover more about who you are, how you are feeling and what it is that you might need.

Listen to others.

Is the information they are offering you helpful?
What can you learn from it?
Do you need a second, third or fourth opinion. Rely on your resources, your tribe and anyone and anything in between you can collect helpful input or information from.

Look at all the work you’ve done! You have invested in being your own health advocate, and you likely have more tools in your tool kit than you know. Don’t be afraid to reach for them when you are feeling a bit helpless. Ask questions. Bring your knowledge to the table. Get a second opinion. Keep listening to your body and assess regularly how you feel.

Celebrate yourself.
Next StepListen to your body

Ask Tanya.