The basics of blood sugar levels

bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and bananas

PMS, fatigue, sugar cravings… Do these symptoms sound familiar? They can be signs that your blood sugar levels are imbalanced. From regulating our energy levels and eating patterns to working with hormones involved in our menstrual cycles, our blood sugar levels play a significant role in keeping us healthy. It’s safe to say that an imbalance in blood sugar levels … Read More

The lowdown on menstrual hygiene

Girls in a bathroom exchanging menstrual pads

Menstruation has historically been somewhat of a taboo topic, something only whispered about amongst friends or through bathroom stalls. This has led many women to grow up unfamiliar with their bodies and how to care for them, especially during menstruation. This is completely natural but the more you know, the better you will be able to enjoy your period and … Read More

Magnesium & you: The mineral every woman needs

relaxed woman

If there was a single mineral that would keep stress and anxiety at bay, prevent migraines and headaches, lower inflammation, and fight off menstrual cramps, would you take it every day? Turns out, this is a real-life supplement with a name you’ll instantly recognize: magnesium. The superhero mineral magnesium is involved in countless bodily functions and is essential for human … Read More

Going with the flow: Practicing mindful menstruation

Aunt Flo, shark week, the Red River, that time of the month. These are all terms you might be familiar with if you’re a menstruator. For many of us, periods can be a painful, messy, and annoying monthly occurrence. They can make us feel bloated, easily irritated, and overall uncomfortable. This might be why we don’t talk more openly about … Read More

What does a healthy menstrual cycle look like?

Have you ever wondered what an average menstrual cycle looks like, and whether your cycle is healthy? PMS, irregular periods, and hormonal imbalance are increasingly common today, and they all have an impact on menstrual cycle health. The four phases of the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle is divided into four distinct phases: Menstruation The first day of menstrual bleeding … Read More

Dealing with painful period cramps?

It’s that time of month again, PMS and painful period cramps. Maybe you spend a day or two with a hot water bottle on the couch, or maybe you’re able to fight through it; we know, some months are just tougher than others. Menstruation and the pain that accompanies it, is the result of a complex set of biochemical reactions … Read More

Hormonal imbalance & PMS: Are they connected?

Our chemical messengers HORMONES are at the helm of nearly every cellular action in our bodies. Most of the time, your hormones are continually fluctuating, but usually in predictable patterns. However, it’s also expected that your hormones will fluctuate more dramatically at certain life stages as in puberty, pregnancy, and perimenopause. But when the changes become too extreme and your … Read More