The basics of blood sugar levels

bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and bananas

PMS, fatigue, sugar cravings… Do these symptoms sound familiar? They can be signs that your blood sugar levels are imbalanced. From regulating our energy levels and eating patterns to working with hormones involved in our menstrual cycles, our blood sugar levels play a significant role in keeping us healthy. It’s safe to say that an imbalance in blood sugar levels … Read More

4 herbs to naturally support menopause

Chasteberry beside a cup of tea

Have you found yourself dealing with hot flashes, night sweats, acne? These are all common symptoms of menopause, which is a natural part of aging. With menopause comes a change in hormones, including a decline in estrogen around your early 40s. This triggers a wide range of symptoms that can almost feel like a second coming of age! The good … Read More

Spotting the signs of estrogen dominance

Older woman outside looking in mirror

Have you been feeling irritable, unable to concentrate, or having trouble sleeping? These are common symptoms of estrogen dominance, an elevated level of estrogen that disrupts hormonal balance in the body. But with a proper diagnosis and some simple lifestyle changes, it’s possible to feel like yourself again. Let’s explore what you can do to naturally support your hormone health. … Read More

Your personal guide to naturally navigating hot flashes

Three woman laughing together after going to the gym

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms that women experience during their transition into menopause. Suddenly feeling hot and sweaty out of the blue can be disruptive and uncomfortable. But by learning more about why hot flashes happen and how to manage them naturally, you can keep cool while navigating daily life. What are hot flashes? Hot flashes … Read More

How to sleep soundly during menopause

Many of the symptoms attributed to menopause are indicators that your hormones, particularly estrogen, are declining. These dropping estrogen levels can affect your sleep by causing night sweats, anxiety and depression, and increase the prevalence of primary sleep conditions such as restless leg syndrome. All of these factors can lead to disrupted and poor quality sleep – but don’t despair! … Read More

Hormonal imbalance & PMS: Are they connected?

Our chemical messengers HORMONES are at the helm of nearly every cellular action in our bodies. Most of the time, your hormones are continually fluctuating, but usually in predictable patterns. However, it’s also expected that your hormones will fluctuate more dramatically at certain life stages as in puberty, pregnancy, and perimenopause. But when the changes become too extreme and your … Read More