Understanding uterine fibroids: A guide to natural relief

Woman curled up on couch in pain

Uterine fibroids can feel like a sudden storm, sweeping through your life with a whirlwind of unexpected symptoms. And the reality is, it’s more than just physical discomfort. It’s the emotional toll of managing a condition that can really throw off your daily rhythm. If you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with symptoms or are considering taking preventative steps, we’re … Read More

Plant power: Understanding phytoestrogens

Table spread for one featuring plant-based dished and a drink

What if the secret to balanced health was hidden in the plants you eat every day? Meet phytoestrogens, nature’s fascinating compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens can benefit our health in a number of ways from balancing hormones to supporting heart health and even alleviating menopausal symptoms. Found in many of the foods and herbs we consume daily, … Read More

Spotting the signs of estrogen dominance

Older woman outside looking in mirror

Have you been feeling irritable, unable to concentrate, or having trouble sleeping? These are common symptoms of estrogen dominance, an elevated level of estrogen that disrupts hormonal balance in the body. But with a proper diagnosis and some simple lifestyle changes, it’s possible to feel like yourself again. Let’s explore what you can do to naturally support your hormone health. … Read More

Your daylight savings survival guide

Person changing time on Apple Watch

It’s that time of year again – Daylight Saving Time (DST). Changing our clocks back or pushing them forward by an hour is a regular part of our seasonal routine. But have you ever thought of how this shift affects your body? While a one-hour change isn’t going to have a tremendous impact on your overall health, it can actually … Read More

Your personal guide to naturally navigating hot flashes

Three woman laughing together after going to the gym

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms that women experience during their transition into menopause. Suddenly feeling hot and sweaty out of the blue can be disruptive and uncomfortable. But by learning more about why hot flashes happen and how to manage them naturally, you can keep cool while navigating daily life. What are hot flashes? Hot flashes … Read More

The lowdown on menstrual hygiene

Girls in a bathroom exchanging menstrual pads

Menstruation has historically been somewhat of a taboo topic, something only whispered about amongst friends or through bathroom stalls. This has led many women to grow up unfamiliar with their bodies and how to care for them, especially during menstruation. This is completely natural but the more you know, the better you will be able to enjoy your period and … Read More

Breaking down menopause: What your (laundry list of) symptoms really means

Ladies, do you feel like there’s a lot of mystery around menopause, like there are certain things your mother just didn’t want to tell you? Or perhaps it was simply that she didn’t understand it herself. You’re probably well aware that as we age (gracefully, of course), and move past the child-bearing years, that the ovaries are still producing the … Read More