The basics of blood sugar levels

bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and bananas

PMS, fatigue, sugar cravings… Do these symptoms sound familiar? They can be signs that your blood sugar levels are imbalanced. From regulating our energy levels and eating patterns to working with hormones involved in our menstrual cycles, our blood sugar levels play a significant role in keeping us healthy. It’s safe to say that an imbalance in blood sugar levels … Read More

Preventing type 2 diabetes post-pregnancy

If you were diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant, it might have left you thinking – how can I prevent getting type 2 diabetes? While gestational diabetes occurs in approximately 5% of pregnancies, there are many lifestyle factors that can help to prevent type 2 diabetes post-pregnancy. What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes (GD) is defined as any degree of … Read More