Dealing with painful period cramps?

It’s that time of month again, PMS and painful period cramps. Maybe you spend a day or two with a hot water bottle on the couch, or maybe you’re able to fight through it; we know, some months are just tougher than others. Menstruation and the pain that accompanies it, is the result of a complex set of biochemical reactions … Read More

Managing menopausal acne

Say it ain’t so! Are you experiencing both menopause and acne at the same time? If you thought acne was associated with adolescence, you’re partly right. The type of acne likely to occur during puberty as well as during menopause is known as hormonal acne, and as the name suggests, it is linked with hormone fluctuations. Read on for what … Read More

Anxiety 301: A natural path towards less anxiety

It’s no surprise that sleep and nutrition impact our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Getting a good night’s sleep can help you better manage your anxiety and improve your mental wellbeing. Read on to learn how you can start sleeping better, consuming more anxiety-supporting foods, and self-reflect for better mental health.

Anxiety 201: How physical health affects mental wellbeing

The connection between mind and body is no secret: indeed, the mind-body connection has lately gone from alternative healing to scientific mainstream. If you’re curious about the ways anxiety and emotional health affects the physical body and vice versa, read on for an essential mind-body primer.

Anxiety 101: Why does anxiety happen?

Feeling anxious these days? Read on for expert tips on natural remedies for anxiety. Below, we cover the difference between anxiety and stress, types of anxiety disorders, causes of anxiety, how to recognize an anxiety attack, and give our top herbal remedies, supplements, and lifestyle tips to manage it (and know when to get help!)

Tuning in: What are your symptoms telling you?

We’ve all experienced that occasional feeling that ‘something’ in our body is off. And it can be hard to figure out what’s causing some types of issues, like headaches, bloating, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, rashes, pain, or weight changes. If unexplained symptoms are occurring more frequently, maybe even becoming an unwelcome part of everyday life, then it’s time to take note. … Read More

Simple self-care practices for a healthy mind, body & soul

What Are Self-Care Practices? Self-care practices are any activities we do intentionally to take care of our mental, physical, and emotional health. It seems like a simple concept, but it’s often overlooked. Think about it – when was the last time you did something caring towards yourself? Self-care is key to improving mood and mental health, reducing anxiety, and maintaining … Read More

Getting to the root of the problem

Once you’ve learned how to listen to your body in a more deliberate way, you can then start to understand the story that your symptoms are telling you. A symptom is a red flag – your body is pleading “hey, pay attention to me!”. It’s time to get to the root cause of the problem, because everything is connected. You … Read More

Hormonal imbalance & PMS: Are they connected?

Our chemical messengers HORMONES are at the helm of nearly every cellular action in our bodies. Most of the time, your hormones are continually fluctuating, but usually in predictable patterns. However, it’s also expected that your hormones will fluctuate more dramatically at certain life stages as in puberty, pregnancy, and perimenopause. But when the changes become too extreme and your … Read More

Estrogen throughout a woman’s life stages

Estrogen Throughout a Woman’s Life Stages

As women, we’re abundantly aware that our bodies go through countless changes during the course of our lives. We also know that hormones play an essential role in those changes at each stage of life — from puberty, right through to post-menopause. FYI – a hormone is likened to a “chemical message communicator” to and from all the body’s cells. … Read More